Selection Academy

On self-cognition in the workplace

2020-07-18 18:44:59

Due to the unique growth environment and complex life experience of each person, the content of the consciousness level is too abstract, it is difficult for us to use a universal standard to judge the depth and accuracy of self-cognition. But it is undeniable that clear self-awareness can motivate us to make appropriate career choices, so I want to discuss self-perception in the workplace from the perspective of recruitment.

In the recruitment process, the following three situations often occur:

  1. When job seekers apply for the same type of position, they feel confident that they are very suitable and will be competent for this position, but the result is not satisfactory.
  2. Job seekers are faced with unknown conditions including functional transformation, technological change, industry and work environment changes. Even if they get an offer of employment, they are still not sure whether they are competent.
  3. The job seeker’s life and work status is stable and he has not encountered strong external pressure. He does not know or even think about what other jobs he can do besides what he is currently doing.

Before explaining the reasons for the above situation, I want to refine and analyze 3 keywords:

  • The cognition output by the company: the cognition formed by the information passively received by the employees in the working environment. The sources of this information mainly include the definition of job responsibilities and competency requirements of the managers, the behavior methods and standards recognized by the management, and the performance appraisal. Evaluation etc. I refer to them collectively as "the job recognition and self-awareness that employees can see".
  • Self-awareness: Through work practice and verification, the cognition of position and self that is combined with personality, values ​​and understanding is formed. This cognition is self-derived.
  • The cognition that employers need: the consensus reached by management on the personal characteristics and professional skills that employees need to have in order to achieve the phased goals.

Cognitive output of the company

The cognition output by the company is accompanied by many influencing factors, such as the purpose and tasks of job setting, organizational structure, business model, configurable resources, management style, boss’s behavior and understanding of the business, objectivity of performance evaluation, etc. It is difficult to avoid the incidental management purpose and subjective color. Some people tend to equate the wrong perception of the company's output with their self-perception. Let us consider the following questions:

  • Does the organizational structure have too detailed a division of labor that leads to a narrow understanding of the overall process? Some positions are very concerned about the process and knowledge, such as Supply Chain Excellence, Project Logistic, Project Management, Lean, etc.
  • Is the organizational structure too simple and lack of professional training for employees, leading to a lack of systematic and in-depth understanding of the key points of the matter? Taking sales positions as an example, many sales managers only focus on customer relationships and short-term performance figures, and do not have a clear understanding of the strategy differentiation of group strategic customers and small and medium customers, the differentiation of market segmentation, and value-based sales strategies. , So some have done sales for many years but can't win the opportunity of large company Corporate KA Manager or Business Development Manager.
  • Does the company’s business model have commonality? For example, some companies mainly rely on distributor channels for sales, but many peer companies focus on direct sales.
  • Excluding the company's product technology, business support resources, brand awareness, and data from the predecessor, what has been developed by itself.
  • Whether the soft skills such as communication, appeal, and leadership have increased in step with your own professional hard skills. Some people with good business abilities have stayed in the bottleneck period for a long time because they neglected the improvement of their soft skills.
  • Whether the company and management have benchmarking standards for compliance or excellence in the entire industry. We need to be wary not to be a "frog at the bottom of the well".


I remember a report discussing why many leaders are introverted. Here we do not entangle whether extroversion is better or introversion. I want to highlight the characteristics of an introverted leader: always look inward, pay attention to your goals, feelings, and aspirations, and be able to make adjustments based on external information in a timely manner. In the work, there are several points that only you know:

  • What do I want from this job? Is it consistent with my life goals and on the same frequency? Work cannot be completely separated from life. I believe that for the vast majority of ordinary people working in companies, work serves life, but life is not just for one person.
  • Where is the boundary of comfort and the boundary of pain. To grow, you must step out of your comfort zone to meet a better self, but you must be within the range you can bear.
  • Do I agree with the company's values ​​and management methods.
  • Based on the understanding and knowledge of the business, do I agree with the decision made by the company's management? Don't deny your ability easily.
  • If I want to better fulfill the current job requirements, what improvements are needed; if I want to go further, where is the distance from the goal?

Awareness that employers need

Each company has its own unique cultural genes and internal and external problems faced at specific stages. At the same time, even the management styles of different departments within the same company will have their own characteristics, and there is no exactly the same position. Although it is difficult for us to predict the requirements of employers when recruiting positions, we can learn the following information through multiple channels to predict our position in the recruitment competition:

  • The difference between the employer’s and the current company’s organizational structure.
  • The employer’s corporate culture and management style, such as the tolerance period for trial and error, and personal preferences for employees.
  • The purpose and tasks of the employer's job setting.
  • Whether there is any difference between the employer's assessment standard for the job and the current company's assessment standard for the same position, and if so, where is the difference.
  • Does the employer company have special conditions for recruitment: For example, only consider people with 911/285 education background, not recruit people from rival companies, and only consider people with end-customer development experience, etc.

As the saying goes, "I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, because I am in this mountain". In order to ensure competitiveness in the workplace and adapt to changes in the recruitment environment, we need to maintain sensitivity to external information and cognitive channels, combine our strengths and weaknesses, adjust our self-awareness in a timely manner, and actively choose the one that suits our career development. Opportunity instead of choosing when there is no choice.