Selection Academy

How to choose a valuable stability

2020-01-02 16:03:31

In the stage of rapid growth and development in the market and economic environment, many traditional chemical and manufacturing companies with high brand awareness and market recognition or with a relatively mild corporate culture can maintain their employee turnover rate between 4% and 8%. On the one hand, companies have the ability to create a comfortable and high-end working environment for employees when the income is still acceptable; on the other hand, middle-level employees are generally in the age of standing up and down, and family and living expenses need to be stable. Continuous income is the guarantee, and a good market environment allows employees to obtain good benefits through their own efforts, especially for those in business positions.

However, the traditional manufacturing industry in the past two years has faced severe market tests and the challenges of the economic downturn. Many companies have had to optimize their organizational structure (business integration or divestiture, layoffs, etc.) or control costs (manpower, travel reimbursement, etc.) Supply chain and other operating costs) to ensure the profit figures on the financial statements. At the same time, as the age of their children and parents grows, the pressure on their lives generally does not decrease but increases. Many people think that the market environment is so bad, many companies are not profitable, and they dare not change jobs. Is this really the right choice?

Before answering this question, let's first define what "stable" is. From the perspective of the time axis, the longer you work in the same company, the more stable it is. This is one of the measurement factors of corporate loyalty to employees. Some companies even commend employees who have served the company for a long time at the annual meeting. But the "stability" that stays at the time level is only the meaning of stability given by the company. After all, not everyone can enter the management team. Someone always needs to do things on the front line. From the perspective of career development, is this "stability" valuable? I have seen many resumes. Candidates have worked in a certain company for 5-8 years, and their positions have changed from engineers to senior engineers, supervisors, or staying as managers for many years, and they have done things except for regional or product line changes. In addition, there is no improvement or extension of the actual required work capabilities and skills. When applying for a job, he is faced with the embarrassing situation of failing to achieve high or low, and the salary is likely to be lower than the market average level of similar positions. "Stability" becomes a price at this time. Therefore, there are prerequisites for truly valuable stability:

1. First, you must clarify your goals and the approximate period required to achieve this goal, and evaluate whether it matches the company's personal career development plan, because the golden period of career development is limited.

2. The current market environment favors job seekers with strong comprehensive abilities and professional extension to adapt to the changing internal and external environments, especially for management. Many people think of promotion when they mention career development, but ignore the promotion of the horizontal dimension. For example, if you have done technical support for a certain product for 3 years, but the technical manager position has not been vacant, you can try to transfer internally to technical market or business development and other closely related positions, technical foundation plus business skills or to the market and the upstream and downstream of the industry chain The understanding can help you win more opportunities. There are two situations that must be guarded against: one is the job adjustment of “changing soup without changing medicine”. For example, after 3 years of product A technology, the company asks you to do product B technology for another 3 years, or add it before your position The word "senior", and such job changes can hardly substantially enhance the professional competitiveness of employees; second, job adjustments do not match the development direction you set yourself.

If after working in a company for 3 years, you find that the above two conditions cannot be met and are unpredictable in the short term, then at this point in time you can at least try to seek better development opportunities from the outside. Then, we return to the initial question, how to choose new valuable and stable opportunities in a severe market environment? We need to clarify the following 3 points:

1. Reasons for vacancies. The reasons for job vacancies can be roughly divided into three categories: new jobs, voluntary resignation of employees due to personal reasons, and structural replacement of the company. Is the new position created because of insufficient staff for business growth, or because the current business encounters a growth bottleneck and needs to explore new areas. If it is the latter reason, it is necessary to understand whether the company has relevant short- and medium-term supporting resources to support; employees take the initiative for personal reasons The risk of resignation is relatively low; the structural replacement of a company is usually caused by layoffs or job transfers, directly or indirectly caused by employee resignation. This situation is not necessarily a negative factor for new employees, because many opportunities are generated during changes, even New employees may get more support from their immediate bosses.

2. Sustainable career development can't just look at the present, but know how to look at the future for 3 more years. What we see now is only the changes compared with the past, but we have to consider how the current changes will help the next change. Although we cannot guarantee what will not happen in the future, data and information can be used to predict the possibility of something happening and how to improve this possibility. Firstly, whether the company’s organizational structure itself is complete and has diversified job settings, which can provide potential for the development of horizontal dimensions; secondly, the profitability of the business unit to which the job belongs and the management’s plans and strategies to deal with challenges; finally, the management Setting and planning of positions. The above information can be understood through the interview process.

3. Clear self-awareness, understand one's core values, and choose positions that can strengthen one's own advantages. For headhunters, interview feedback is very afraid to hear a saying that is that he cannot tell what is bad about this person, but he cannot tell where he is better than others. Don't compete with others for your own shortcomings.

All in all, a job experience is only a stage of the entire career development, and valuable stability is not about repeating the work skills that have been mastered for a long time in the same company. Sometimes rationally giving up the "stability" in front of you will be more calm in the future.


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Editor: Edward Wei